Hicham Mouallem - MioDottore.it

  Contact : +39 3936127748

Non-surgical facelift in Italy

Non-surgical face lift means a treatment aimed at restructuring the face of one or a patient who does not want to undergo surgery. It is a minimally invasive procedure whose goal is to give the right volume to the areas of the cheekbones, cheeks, dark circles, chin, nose and neck.


The treatment is personalized for each patient. A latest generation hyaluronic acid filler mix is ​​used to create a lifting of the skin with a lifting effect that restores volume. In this way it is possible to improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face, giving patients a more youthful appearance through the use of botox and hyaluronic acid. These procedures require neither surgery nor anesthesia.


The so-called fluid non-surgical lifting could be performed in a single session or in multiple sessions spaced a few weeks apart. It is performed on an outpatient basis and with local anesthesia. There are no notable side effects, except for a few bruises and little swelling. The result is long-lasting if you use the latest generation fillers, where the product resists many months, that is more than 18 at least.

Contact the doctor or book an appointment